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Topics - jewel_of_roshtaria

Pages: [1]
El-Hazard Online / El-Hazard OVA 2 Ending Song
« on: January 23, 2011, 09:05:49 pm »
Ok, I know this question has probably been asked before, and that this forum is probably dead, but I was hoping someone here would know the name of the song that plays at the end of the 2nd OVA. I can't find it on any of the CD's and it's driving me nuts. It's such a beautiful song!

Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Pictures!!!
« on: June 10, 2003, 12:33:05 am »
Well, I finally recieved the memo on the Avatars, and once I got them working, I decided to put up some of my long overdue pics.

This one is the chara I was speaking of long ago. The Ifurita I designed myself. This was the very first rendition of her. Since then, she has improved greatly, but I like to have the origional lying around for later inspiration.

And this is me, being mauled by a vicious rodent! I promised Lar I would send her more pics! This one was taken when I wasn't prepared. There really aren't that many pics of me, since I'm so damn camera shy, due to a negative self-image.

HAHAHA!!! Let's see it screw up on me NOW!!!

Anyways, use this thread to post pics of yourselves! I wanna see whom I'm talking to!

Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Pictures!!!
« on: June 10, 2003, 12:33:05 am »
Well, I finally recieved the memo on the Avatars, and once I got them working, I decided to put up some of my long overdue pics.

This one is the chara I was speaking of long ago. The Ifurita I designed myself. This was the very first rendition of her. Since then, she has improved greatly, but I like to have the origional lying around for later inspiration.

And this is me, being mauled by a vicious rodent! I promised Lar I would send her more pics! This one was taken when I wasn't prepared. There really aren't that many pics of me, since I'm so damn camera shy, due to a negative self-image.

HAHAHA!!! Let's see it screw up on me NOW!!!

Anyways, use this thread to post pics of yourselves! I wanna see whom I'm talking to!

El-Hazard Online RPG / EHOL RPG???
« on: May 31, 2003, 01:38:34 pm »
Fuji:This topic is to repain open for discussion of the RPG and not to be used for the ACTUAL RPG (Sorry Rosh but I couldn't think of any other way  :'(

One idea I had a while ago is El-Hazard roleplaying. I used to be in a forum RPG, and it was really fun. All we need to play is webspace and a mod and a plot device.

Oh yeah, and I call Fatora in advance.   ;)

And who knows, maybe it will draw more people into EHOL?

El-Hazard Online / El-Hazard 2
« on: February 07, 2003, 12:35:58 pm »
I finally saw the imfamous El-Hazard 2, and Wow, does Fatora get some action in this one!  ;) I must say, it was low of her to take Shayla's first kiss, but it was worth it to see all that neat Fire Priestess Action!  ;D It doesn't hold a candle to the first one, or even the Alternative World, for that matter, I think it was because it was so short, there really wasn't any time to build tension. It really was worth the money I paid for it, though!

El-Hazard Online / El-Hazard- The Magnificent Couples?
« on: January 08, 2003, 10:19:00 pm »
Hey, I'm a new member, and I'd just like to open up a new topic to a question that has been plauging me for some time.

As a former Slayers fan, I have heard of the weirdest couples imaginable. However, even in El-Hazard Doujinshi's, I wasn't able to find any really creative ones (except for Shayla and Afura). The enitre Doujinshi writers collective seems to like the Allielle/Fatora getting all the women leading up to a big orgy thing (Gag, those two are the reason lesbianism has a bad name! :P). Personally, I think we can do better. So, if you have any really wierd, cute, of completly disfunctional couples out there, I'd like to hear it!

I think I would like to start out by saying that Jinnai and blck haired Ifurita would make a neat couple...

And did anyone think Jinnai and Shayla Shayla were being paired up in Alternative World? (ahem, aside from the fact Shayla roasted him and Jinnai has tried to kill her numerous times... (Ah, if only Jerry Springer could get ahold of them! ;D)

My sister has also suggested that Jinnai and Makoto would make a neat couple... But I think that's just... No.

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