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Messages - Captain Southbird (EHOL Creator)

Pages: 1 ... 3 4 [5] 6 7 ... 105
Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Re: Merry Christmas!
« on: December 26, 2005, 07:46:44 pm »
Pretty good for me.  My brother played Santa and I got myself some goods, such as this nifty 19" TFT LCD.  (Not great for arts, but good for keeping my programming eyes relaxed.)

El-Hazard Online / Re: fan fiction links
« on: December 15, 2005, 09:58:53 pm »
Ehhhh, I guess I needed to alter my sig anyway.  I've probably had the last one for a couple years now.  ;P

El-Hazard Online / Re: The SECOND radio drama
« on: December 14, 2005, 08:15:43 pm »
Yeah, I'm not sure how I want to handle update notification at this point.  I know that I just don't have time or money to hunt El-Hazard merchandise anymore at this point.  (I also think I've gotten everything that is relatively retrievable without going to things like Japanese auction sites or something.)  And I just find it so lonely and sad when a site has an update like "No, I'm not dead!  More to come!" dated like February 4th, 2003, y'know?  But maybe I'll just switch to a simple list format somewhere that's clickable or use the forum header as a place to write a quick update notice... I dunno, there's probably gotta be something that won't be so in the spotlight but still accessible.

In related news and speaking of things that became stagnant, poor "Pic of the Moment", which used to be updated regularly by my brother until he became gainfully employed and otherwise busy, has been removed from the main site and relinked in the "Goodies" section under "Pic / Moment"

... y'know, it just occured to me, I guess I just could write forum threads.  :P

El-Hazard Online / Re: fan fiction links
« on: December 13, 2005, 11:43:48 pm »
Haha, awesome.  "We remember her real name" as well.   ^_^V  (Sorry the avatar is momentarily out; I'll have to kick that server when I get home... or just stop using it.)

... you don't see it here, but on another forum I frequent, "P.S. Ayumu Kasuga" is in my forum signature as well.  If you don't mind, I'm going to simply have to add your little image to that as well.

As for "Spanner" up there... I'm only 22, so the 80's weren't exactly my prime... and I didn't really get into comics much... so... I couldn't guess.   ^^;

El-Hazard Online / Re: fan fiction links
« on: December 12, 2005, 10:29:35 am »
Now there's some interesting reading material.  I never really looked into gender-typing on the outer part as it actually flows into the yaoi / yuri stuff.  I think Spanner's right.

... and it just kind of arose my curiosity, Spanner, did you ever tell me how you came up with that name exactly?

El-Hazard Online / Re: fan fiction links
« on: December 12, 2005, 08:48:27 am »
Sorry, Yuri writers I can deal with... Anime lends itself to the medium.

How's that exactly, compared to the opposite?

El-Hazard Online / Re: Thinking: System Update for Site Splits [UPDAT
« on: November 18, 2005, 01:20:52 pm »
Nah, it's not so much that you'd be an "administrator" in the sense of really being delegated expected responsibility.  I'm just saying like being able to perhaps make notes on existing pages or update translations of yours if they're on the site somewhere, stuff like that.  But that's okay, just brought up your name to note that it's a "trusted" one, it's by no means a push.

El-Hazard Online / Re: Thinking: System Update for Site Splits [UPDAT
« on: November 16, 2005, 01:59:03 am »
Okay, testing out new system.  It's almost ready to accept new hosts.  The test account is here:


Note also that direct links to the EHOL main page can still be the classic


or the new style


I only bring that up because possible future subaccounts might use that to bridge between themselves and/or be used for links elsewhere.

A "series" defines the site as a whole, all files accessed off the webserver have a primary subdirectory known as "[series]", so it's pretty much the main name.  Notice for example all El-Hazard Online links are now engineered with "series=El-Hazard" in them.  That tells the generator script where to source information from.

All series use the same basic template, but utilize their own graphics and content.  The test account above is ugly, but deliberately so to show the positioning of the border graphics for possible future works.  I did this on purpose since I'd like to see other series attached to this site as "sister sites" which all look basically the same layout-wise.

The login system, which grants full power to configure menus, upload/alter/delete files, and change basic site configuration information will have a single, server-verified username / password login per "series."  E.g. for this site, the account name is "El-Hazard".

My question now is -- Is there anyone here who would like to volunteer to be a member of this high-power control position?  I'm particularly thinking of older members I've known a while and can trust, such as Saucer, MrWhat, dooky, etc.  Also specify if you're interested in being in control / main creator of one of the "sister sites."  Ultimately it's -my- decision to dole out these powers, so don't feel bad or get angry if I don't give you the credentials.  :P

I haven't yet decided what "sister sites" I'm personally planning to make.  At the very least I probably want to make one for Key, as I've mentioned.  Other than that, nothing even remotely definite.

El-Hazard Online / Re: El Hazard, Year 10
« on: November 11, 2005, 09:46:13 pm »
I'm kinda curious how long it took to plan that out.

El-Hazard Online / Re: Thinking: System Update for Site Splits
« on: November 06, 2005, 07:31:37 pm »
But alot of us can't always come up with new material all the time.

Even some of the time is better than none of the time multiplied by a lethargic webmaster.  :)

Anyway, that's why I was thinking public submission along with moderation.  Then we get best of both worlds; all potentially good content from anybody, not just "us", but still under the control of "us".  And then maybe when this gets underway, someone will be kind enough to buy some sister domains (e.g. keyonline.net, etc.) and then the new specifics will get special attention rather than just being marked as subsets of the El-Hazard main.

El-Hazard Online / Thinking: System Update for Site Splits [UPDATE]
« on: November 06, 2005, 03:19:52 pm »
As I briefly noted here,, I'm considering expanding my server to be opened to other anime titles that all use the same basic left-side menu buttons, right side content, top-side customized graphics for the series (but same basic layout, I assume for ease of integration and consistency.)

See, the way it is right now, it already loads simple HTML files that lack standalone header tags (e.g. <title>, <body>, etc.) Example, see the trinkets page as just itself:

These headerless files are loaded into the default table space that's always to the right of the generated menu buttons.  This has worked pretty well without actually resorting to a frames-based page that seem to upset so many people (and tend to not allow my flashy graphics to stay generally in place. :P)

The point is, all that's needed to add a content page is to have someone write up their article or whatever in very simple HTML and upload it to have it instantly integrated.

The only problem is right now you have to do everything by FTP and configure long, semi-complicated looking links -- Example, the real trinkets link:


-- and there's still a lack of actual centralized sorting or control.  Eventually I'd like to build an interface panel (maybe over XMas break?) and then give privledged access to the "underground" by some security system.

FYI, here's what I'm thinking in terms of a centralized control panel:

* Specify a whole slew of buttons to make a "menu" (note Trinkets link has "menu=3"; you can play with that link if you'd like and see the other numbers)

* Include ability to customize buttons of menu (probably will have to get rid of graphical buttons, or at least substitute them with tables that look similar) so that new buttons can be made without manually making them from the graphical template.

* Obviously specify each button's destination

* Have ability to upload the bare HTML pages in appropriate directories.

* Ability to upload images or other media that may be desired in the page.

All of it controled in some central panel.  It shouldn't be too hard, just has to be done.

What I'm not sure is what the security of it should be.  Should it only be granted to long-term members we trust?  Should it be allowed to any yahoo who can pass the Fujisawa exam?  (Giving freer general populace editing something like a Wiki.)  Really I'm looking to have more updates happening without me explicity having to do the work cause I know I fall behind on emails and whatnot.   :-/  I still have some stuff in my inbox that's months old now.  But because of the lack of interface, it takes time to upload and link material, especially new stuff, so I get lethargic and fall behind.

Another idea is mixing the two, such that instead of allowing outsiders to directly edit the pages, they're allowed to put their new materials in a "drop box" or submit corrections to some sort of "suggestion box".  Then myself and some of you guys could act as moderators and decide whether to accept or reject the material.  Accepting it would include selecting where to drop it in.  With all that, there could even be automatic simple news logged to some file that would immediately notify of updates without you needing to explicitly write it up.

Any suggestions or "go for its"?

Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Re: Missed this place ;_;
« on: November 06, 2005, 03:05:56 pm »

Rob-- That'd be interesting. I could probably help out with a couple series that I have "collected" (>_>)-- I do a lot of writing these days, and some anime reviews/summaries/whatnot certainly wouldn't be unreasonable.

That sounds cool.  I need to reorganize my system so it works a bit more modularly.  Then perhaps I'll be able to set it up so that anyone with donateable material can just go right ahead and apply it.

I'll break that off since it's a bit off-topic.

Condolances, MrWhat.  I wonder what the market will be when I'm done with school...

Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Re: Missed this place ;_;
« on: November 04, 2005, 10:43:33 pm »
If I ever properly tie up the scripts to ease the editing process, I might (given time and initiative) start hosting variants of El-Hazard Online to other anime I've watched and I'd be willing to at least deticate something to, e.g. Key the Metal Idol.  If I ever did that I'd probably generalize the forum a bit more and maybe it'd pick up some extra folks rather than being an El-Hazard primary filter.

El-Hazard Online / Re: Problems with the site
« on: October 29, 2005, 12:17:34 am »
edit: Nevermind, I just figured out the problem. Apparently the image search sent me to the site without the "www." in the url. Not only that, but when I entered the url I ommited the "www." and just typed "el-hazardonline.net". It seems that entering the url in that manner takes you to the site, but somehow won't let the images load. I think the anti-hotlinking protection keeps images from loading unless the full url is entered.

Haha, you were right.  "el-hazardonline.net" is not the same as "www.el-hazardonline.net".  Oh well, I went ahead and enabled both to work, image-wise.  Though each one also stories unique cookies at this point, so you're only logged in to one or the other...

El-Hazard Online / Re: Problems with the site
« on: October 28, 2005, 07:15:40 pm »
I don't know what to tell you.  I'm seeing everything fine and there's nothing non-standard about the server.  The only thing I have enabled is anti-hotlink protection which would prevent you from seeing these images from an off-site location... I dunno if perhaps that's your problem somehow?

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