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Topics - Helio Perroni Filho

Pages: [1]
El-Hazard Online / El-Hazard Mobile Goods
« on: May 27, 2006, 11:15:06 am »
A week ago I entered the new mobile era, by buying myself a Motorola V360 cell phone. However, up until this morning I hadn't got the time to properly play with the gizmo. The configuration features are more limited than I first thought, but it does offer two nice features, which are present in most modern cell phones: the ability to play MP3 files as ring tones, and the option of setting a wallpaper for the display.

After a little work with the PC multimedia tool bundled with the phone, I got this as my wallpaper:


The black space in the bottom gets covered by the phone's toolbar, so it looks real nice. I've also managed to get an El Hazard 2 MP3 ringtone:


That's it for now, but let's see what more I can make... that JVM's got to be good for something! ;)

El-Hazard Online / TM! / El-Hazard 4-panel Funnies
« on: May 27, 2006, 09:56:25 am »
Have anyone seen these before?


They're a collection of 4-panel comics on Tnechi Muyo! and El-Hazard. Funny stuff!

El-Hazard Online / Build your own Ifurita
« on: May 06, 2006, 08:36:33 pm »
(edit: updated Ifurita's URL's.)

Hello fellow dreamers!

For about a year now, I am working on my own Alicebot interpreter, the ChatterBean. Recently, the project got to a point where it can be used as a client-side component in AJAX applications. In order to illustrate this approach's potential, I put together a simple Alicebot, which plays the role of Wanderer's Ifurita. It is currently accessible here:


The Alicebot changes the currently displaying picture of Ifurita to reflect her current mood, and can do arithmetical operations on request. Ifurita's pictures and some of her lines were shamelessly taken from Spanner's Ifurita and Ifurita's Dual El-Hazard Website -- do you think he'll be mad at it? Yes, me too. ^^;

Because my only intention was to exercise ChatterBean's AJAX integration features, the list of user inputs she can recognize and provide a meaninful response for is rather restrict -- chances are you'll run into her fallback response quite often. If you want to go through the entire set of available responses (again, it's a fairly limited one), you can peek at Ifurita's "brain" here:


If you decide to try the bot out, keep in mind that:
  • Internet Explorer might block the loading of the applet, which will cause a script error. Simply grant loading permission to the applet and reload the page;
  • The applet might take a while to start. Do not start typing until Ifurita greets you with the "Hi ya! Welcome!" message;
  • There might be a slight delay the first time each picture gets loaded.

While Ifurita proved an interesting testing ground during development, I have no intention to further develop her at this time. If anyone is interested in working on this, contact me for details.

El-Hazard Online / El-Hazard: The World of Ruling Women?
« on: June 18, 2005, 06:37:14 pm »
This is something I realized some time ago, but was yet to write a comment about. El-Hazard is pretty much ruled by women! Afterall, not only Roshtaria, the most powerful kingdom of the island, is ruled by two princesses; but also the Sages, who possess the most advanced technology available, and whose jurisdiction surpasses even that of the El-Hazardian kingdoms, are all women. Not mentioning that the Bugrom, the most powerful enemy of the Alliance, are ruled by a Queen...

Of course the matter is more aestethical than ideological. The target demography of animes like El-Hazard like to see lots of sexy women around, and so does Hayashi Hiroki (not that I disagree ^_^'). Yet it's interesting to think on the implications of this aestethical preference to the setting of the series. For example, why were the demon-gods built to resemble beautiful women? Did the Ancients related feminine beauty to power in an abstract basis... or was this relation concrete in their world? The Great Sages surely seem to make a point in favour of the later.

El-Hazard Online / From Barsoom to El-Hazard
« on: May 29, 2005, 04:54:10 pm »
In an old interview still available from AIC's website, Hayashi Hiroki states that, in the making of the first El-Hazard OAV series (which from here on I will refer to simply as "El-Hazard"), he "picked up some ideas" from a sci-fi novel called Princess of Mars. After discovering the novel is now on public domain, I downloaded it from the Gutenberg Project and started reading it.

I just finished reading Princess of Mars, and although its story arc only ends two books ahead (after Gods of Mars and Warlord of Mars), its importance in the genesis of The Magnificent World is already clear. Nearly all the main elements of El Hazard -- the travelling between worlds, the war between the human Alliance and the monstrous Bugrom, even the moving reuniting of Makoto and Ifurita that binds together the beginning and the end of the saga -- can be traced back to the surreal tale of John Carter, the gentleman from Virginia that becomes a warrior-prince in the dying world of Barsoom, the planet we call Mars.

Under the light of Princess of Mars, many pasages of El-Hazard gain a new meaning. Characters as different as Rune Venus and Ifurita reveal surprising, hidden relations; the intricate balance that makes all earthlings -- even Jinnai -- parts of the same, inherently heroic whole become clear; and even seemingly minor details, such as the strange skin colour of the Shadow Tribe, become meaningful.

For all who want to grasp a deeper understanding of the underlying force that drives the fate of El-Hazard, I recommend reading The Princess of Mars and following books. You will not be disapointed.

El-Hazard Online / Beautiful Ifurita Shrine
« on: April 24, 2005, 09:13:04 pm »
Long ago, I once came upon a really beautiful Ifurita Shrine on the web. Somewhere along system reinstalls I lost its link, together with my whole bookmark archive. I thought it was gone forever -- how would I get back to it, if I couldn't even remind its name? Then, without believing it would do any good, I simply headed to Google and did a search with the words "Ifurita" and "shrine".

The first result was the site I was looking for.

The name of the shrine is Sacrifices. The site as a resource is not very useful -- its sections are small and, except perhaps for this really kawaii pic, don't contain anything not known by the veteran fan -- but it's really nice to look at.

If you'd like to give it a look, here's the URL:

Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Phantasy Star III
« on: April 17, 2005, 09:34:58 am »
I'm not much of a gamer anymore. Somehow my interest in games waned after the end of the 16-bit era... or maybe, its more like that what went after that era failed to catch my attention. Indeed, even today, I sometimes feel like playing -- but when I do, it's not the present day games I look for: it's the Genesis and the Super Nintendo ROM's, grabbed from the Internet, that I go back to.

These days I've went back to one of the coolest videogame RPG's I have ever played: Phantasy Star III. Often disregarded by the Phantasy Star fans as a spin-off of the original series, the adventures of Rhys and his descendants have always captivated me, since I first played the game in 1995. I have never finished it, though: instead, once every one or two years, I start playing it, get stuck somewhere and give up.

This time, however I've decided to finish it no matter what: so I went into the Internet and looked for a walktrough. In the process, I discovered a wonderful resource for Phantasy Star nostalgia: the Algol Star System. It's a site dedicated to the first four games of the PS saga, with lots of information, artwork, music and other downloads. The main page URL is:


What I liked the most about the site was the Phantasy Star III artwork. The slightly comical illustrations give a new color to the game, and hints of a world much broader than the one we get to know through the game. Those can be found on the following links:



El-Hazard Online / Visit El-Hazard!
« on: October 03, 2004, 10:11:56 am »
Years ago, back when I was taking english classes, the students were asked to do simple touristic advertisement posters. We were allowed to freely choose the destination we'd advertise, so guess what? I chose El-Hazard!

I just uploaded the ad image to my Geocities' host. Here's the link:


El-Hazard Online / El-Hazard on Orkut
« on: October 01, 2004, 08:22:26 pm »
As far as I know, there are three El-Hazard communities on Orkut: two of them are portuguese-speaking, and reasonably active for their respective sizes. Oddly enough, the third one, which is english-speaking, is the least active of all: there is only one topic (created by me), that never deserved a response from the other four members.

Is anyone else here on Orkut? If yes, is there a reason why you haven't signed up to Lily's "El-Hazard" community? If not, would you, if we were an Orkut member? I could use some more friends on my list... ;)

El-Hazard Online / El Hazard, Year 10
« on: September 27, 2004, 08:34:38 pm »
El-Hazard Online states the first OVA series was released back in 1995 -- which is actually good, because I thought it was '94, and then I'd have probably missed it by now. Anyway, what that means is 2005 will be the year of El-Hazard's 10 year aniversary!

It's certainly not too early to start planning some form of commemoration, as we're mostly through 2004 by now. I don't have anything figured right now, but we can certainly think of something, from commemorative fanart to contests to (who knows?) a small convention, or some other form of get-toghether. I doubt either AIC or Pioneer USA have something in mind, but just maybe, if we reminded them...

Something I wanted to do right now was to set up a countdown, but I would need a more precise date than just the release year... does anyone have this information?

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