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Messages - Xel

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Panties do not have to be removed. Instead, they can simply be pushed to one side. They apparently act as a sort of lubricant.

XD This was the icing on the cake. *cracking up*

And come on, guys... rape is just surprise sex. *SHOT*

DISCLAIMER: The preceding comment is in no way intended to be taken seriously. But we knew that... right?

What, the Jinnai & Makoto illo wasn't enough, you had to scare us some more?  ^^;


Well, to be fair, the illo isn't MINE... but the fic sure is! Everyone looking at this right now needs to hop over to fanfiction.net and read it. It will change your life. I swear!

::shakes head::

Oh Xel, what are we going to do with you?

Can it involve taquitos? :D

El-Hazard Online / Re: El-Hazard Round Robin, Part 2
« on: January 01, 2004, 09:28:52 pm »

Xel, I had you in mind while writing this post.  ;D

Aw. My childhood nickname was Princess Zoot, you know. XO

Now pardon me, it seems I've had too much sleep.

Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Big O. Just because I'm proud of it.
« on: December 31, 2003, 02:39:07 am »
Though maybe given the subject material, I shouldn't be. Case in point:

I don't know what dark and sinister recess of my mind this came from exactly.

Yes. I'm going to hell. I am fully aware of this.


El-Hazard Online / Re: El-Hazard Cosplay?
« on: December 31, 2003, 02:32:11 am »

(that's me in the bloody pyramid-head outfit)

Dude. That is Pimp ShitTM.

...But you could have used a James to vigorously sodomize. :<

Or maybe a Valtiel. Yeah, PH totally has the kinky "I'm-doing-my-superior" thing going on. It's like demonic office sex. *SHOT*

Pardon me. I could talk about Silent Hill for, well... a very long time. ;D

El-Hazard Online / Re: El-Hazard Round Robin, Part 2
« on: December 20, 2003, 12:08:09 am »
I'm sure I can figure a way to fit shounen-ai in later though.  Makoto-Jinnai oil fight perhaps.  *Cackles evilly.*)


And there's always "The Big O". That's more of a guilty pleasure, but I truly enjoy watching the episodes over and over.

Ooh, Big O. How could I forget?

I'm all about the Alan Gabriel, baby. <3

El-Hazard Online / Re: Who's your fave El Hazard Character?
« on: December 17, 2003, 05:51:17 pm »

I'll agree with anything Jinnai says.  :)

Ohohoho... likewise. Samurai X-- the name-- is earth-shatteringly lame. But Rurouni Kenshin r0xx0rz my b0xx0rz. |D

Ah, Saitou... when will you learn? *several million hearts*

On the contrary, I asked your dad yesterday. So there. What're you gonna do about it, huh?


...Jinnai, sir, are you absolutely certain that you wouldn't be willing to procreate with me? ^^; It thrills me to no end to think of what brilliance might surface in our offspring.

If not, er... well, I'll be over here scrubbing the toilets...

El-Hazard Online / Re: Who's your fave El Hazard Character?
« on: December 16, 2003, 07:23:58 pm »
*eyebrow* Now, now. Be civil, young grasshopper. That was not a personal attack in the slightest... and I'm sure that Rob doesn't want this kind of unprovoked hostility on his boards. Calm yourself.

El-Hazard Online / Re: Question concerning English Voice Actor/Actres
« on: December 16, 2003, 07:02:55 pm »

Let's just say that I know two things about Gravitation.

1) It's shounen ai.
2) Like most shounen ai, it's about a rock band

And that's all I need to know!

::hides under bed from heebie jeebies::

*snickers* I wasn't aware most shounen ai titles were about rock bands? I thought Gravi was the only one... >D

(I HAVE heard things about Sotsugyou M, but I haven't actually ever seen it so I can't judge. :-/)

I mean, from what I know... *ponder* Utena (while dabbling in a little bit of everything) is about a crazy school and a lot of people who are messed up in the head. Yami no Matsuei is about the afterlife equivalent of the FBI. Petshop of Horrors is about, er... a nutty petshop. :3

Kizuna has yakuza, Level-C has models, Boku no Sexual Harrassment has salarymen...

Legend of the Blue Wolves has Gundam-esque soldiers, Fujimi Orchestra has violinists and conductors, After School in the Teacher's Lounge has, well, teachers...

Mirage of Blaze has teenagers and feudal spirits, Fake has cops, Weiss Kreuz has assassins (I know it's not technically yaoi, but come on... seriously).

And El-Hazard has bisexual nancy-boy protagonists and crazy dictators. *SHOT*

So I guess Zetsuai/Bronze has a rock star with teh angstTM, but... Most shounen ai, indeed. ^_^V

So the moderately-unrelated lesson to be learned? It can get a LOT gayer than Gravitation, darlings. I seen it! <3

El-Hazard Online / Re: Who's your fave El Hazard Character?
« on: December 16, 2003, 06:36:31 pm »
"Samurai X"... -_- Another perfectly fine title claimed by strange, strange marketing tactics.



It's funny, I often wondered what the deal is with chiXx0r and their fascination with this combination?

I'm not entirely sure, either. I suppose maybe the notion of a cute, sad boy taps into some sort of twisted maternal instinct to kiss it and make it better. Er. ^^;

I suppose though, it's the same as us guys: half-naked chiXx0r + violent chiXx0r =  =,] =,] =,] & oh gawd please marry me I don't even care if you're not real.....

Experience much, Saucer? :B

Okay. So I ran over to GameStop last weekend to pick up Vagrant Story, which I had previously seen there for 15 bucks. Got it. Yay. So then I inquired as to the existence of Silent Hill (the first. 0ld sk00l!), and they (MIRACULOUSLY, as it's somehting of a rarity 'round these parts) had it. For 12 bucks. Score.

And THEN, they told me that I could get anything in the store for 12 bucks or less FREE. I cried tears of joy that day, my friends. Tears of joy.

It was then that I spied Galerians: Ash. I remembered reading about the first Galerians in Game Informer some time back and thinking "say... this sounds pretty damn interesting!" Not being one to strictly adhere to the rule of not playing sequels first, I decided to go ahead and make off with G:A.

Curious, I decided to start with that in my gaming experience, not wanting the bejeezus scared out of me or getting hopelessly addicted to an RPG before finals rolled around. I played the first hour or two and found myself amused by being forced to play the last stage of the first game, the rampant drug use, CRAZY PSYCHIC POWERSS, and the protagonist, Rion's navel-gazing angst. To the ladies who possess even a modicum of fangirlishness in them, pretty boy + angst = good, good eatin'. Oh, and the story's interesting and stuff too. :P Dubbing is a bit cheesy sometimes, but I'm not being picky. After a while, though, I started to think this game would take a slightly more macho turn and cease its cruel teasing of the YAOI! center of my brain.

Boy, was I wrong.

For what should I see when I defeat Ash, Rion's nemesis after an epic boss battle less than a third into the game, but a full-on, in-your-face MAN KISS. Cue Xel staring dumbfounded, going "OMGWTFBBQAOL."

Being a despicable whore, I read a spoiler or two and found that it really doesn't get a lot less ghei between those two. I am greatly pleased to hear this, and am looking forward to continuing with this game.

The moral of this story? Take a chance on things you aren't entirely familiar with sometimes. You might be surprised at how FREAKING MUCH they wind up suiting your tastes. =,]

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