El-Hazard Online

General => El-Hazard Online => Topic started by: gilhamilton on February 06, 2003, 08:28:47 am

Title: The Alielle Valentine Fan-Art
Post by: gilhamilton on February 06, 2003, 08:28:47 am
The Alielle Valentine's Day Fan-Art

AKA: From Roshtaria with Love

AKA: "All I Want is to be Loved!"

AKA: Tribute to the phrase "We'll get it in editing..."

AKA: Poor Ickle David Has Insomnia, Markers, and Webspace

AKA: Rob Jinnai Gets More Fan-Art



Fear that which is Kawaii

Incidently, I plan three more such fan art valentines that will likely feature Shayla, Ifurita, and Jinnai. These will be captioned.
Title: Re: The Alielle Valentine Fan-Art
Post by: jewel_of_roshtaria on February 06, 2003, 11:10:30 am
That is so cute!  ;D If only my scanner weren't in a box and my Photoshop program weren't in retirement, I'd do a few too! I'd put one of my chibi's up, but they're all dead... I recently caught a virus, and my entire El-Hazard project was wiped. I will have to start all over.  :(
Oh well, Rob's is probably better anyway.

Poor Ickle David Has Insomnia, Markers, and Webspace

Me too. I prefer the late hours anyway. The best way to cure insomnia, I think, is to make a new law that everyone has to sleep during the day, so us night-owls will finally get the rest we need.  ;D I also have ADHD, one of the most fun mental disorders out there (cept for schitzophrinia, but well, we can't all be that cool)

As for my poor markers, they're in boxes too. And they're probably dead from neglect. :( What brand do you use? I really like the smooth way your picture turned out, and if you did color it with markers, they must be pretty neat ones *I've never seen a marker that was exactly skin tone...*

Okay, my rant is done, Caio.
Title: Re: The Alielle Valentine Fan-Art
Post by: Captain Southbird (EHOL Creator) on February 06, 2003, 12:50:17 pm
Wow, that's so spiffy, it's spiffy divided by zero. *makes a point to add it ... now*
Title: Re: The Alielle Valentine Fan-Art
Post by: Captain Southbird (EHOL Creator) on February 06, 2003, 01:59:53 pm
I recently caught a virus, and my entire El-Hazard project was wiped. I will have to start all over.  
Oh well, Rob's is probably better anyway.

Well, we'll see, that doesn't mean I wouldn't like to see others trying.

This wouldn't help you by chance, would it?


The [small] assorted Saturn game sprites, personally ripped.
Title: Re: The Alielle Valentine Fan-Art
Post by: jewel_of_roshtaria on February 06, 2003, 07:12:20 pm
 ;D Actually, that will help me a bunch! *hugs* THANK YOU ROB!!!! You're the greatest!!! *Adds a small Rob section to her Jinnai shrine*
Title: Re: The Alielle Valentine Fan-Art
Post by: gilhamilton on February 06, 2003, 10:39:39 pm
And now... the Jinnai Valentine Fan-Art

AKA: "I Will CRUSH Those that Oppose My Valentine's Day Ambition!"

AKA: "Behold... my RADIANCE!"

AKA: No That isn't Red Marble, It's Just My Markers Dying and I Need to Pony Up Some Bones for Replacements

AKA: Jinnai About To Be In For A Terrible Snubbing At The Hands of the Women of Roshtaria, And Will Blame it All on Mokoto.

Title: Re: The Alielle Valentine Fan-Art
Post by: Captain Southbird (EHOL Creator) on February 06, 2003, 11:02:33 pm
With a DBZ-esque glow, we can safely assume Jinnai is about to power up his love. *shot ... but adds first*
Title: Re: The Alielle Valentine Fan-Art
Post by: gilhamilton on February 09, 2003, 04:37:17 am
The Shayla Shayla Valentine Fan-Art

AKA: "My Biological Clock is Ticking, So Gimme Sake"

AKA: "I wish Makoto didn't have all the social awareness of Tofu and liked fiery combat types, rather than robotic icy types."

AKA: An actually decent drawing of Shayla that I'm willing to endorse, unlike that crappy picture of Jinnai ~su.

AKA: If pounding booze and setting Bugrom on fire attracted men...

(http:// http://www.el-hazardonline.net/gilhamilton/shayla1.jpg)

Crap, I just noticed the bottom part of your post Jewel-of-Roshtaria, the brand of markers I use are Prismacolors, which are really nice, though many of mine are going to have to be replaced soon unless I set hands on the proper alcohol to extend their life.
Title: Re: The Alielle Valentine Fan-Art
Post by: larewen_evenstar on February 09, 2003, 06:26:26 am
Hey, that art is really cool. Your lucky, you can draw hands, i have a whole book to illustrate and i cant draw hands!!!
Title: Re: The Alielle Valentine Fan-Art
Post by: gilhamilton on February 09, 2003, 10:02:43 pm
Hey, that art is really cool. Your lucky, you can draw hands, i have a whole book to illustrate and i cant draw hands!!!

I draw hands craptastically, actually. Notice that Alielles hands are little better than geometric shapes, Jinnai's hands aren't much more, and Shaylas are too small for her body.  :-[
Title: Re: The Alielle Valentine Fan-Art
Post by: larewen_evenstar on February 10, 2003, 03:12:24 pm
And there's a problem with that???

i dont see a problem, i can draw, but hands and human ears are not my speciality
Title: Re: The Alielle Valentine Fan-Art
Post by: gilhamilton on February 11, 2003, 05:58:30 am
And there's a problem with that???

i dont see a problem, i can draw, but hands and human ears are not my speciality

Well, I can do ears because in college in my human anatomy course I had to scuptle on out of plasteline for the human head model I did (whose name is Yorik). I learned the topography of the ear very well in that time.

The funny thing is that I have a check-list of things to remember when you draw hands... let me see if I can find it. I remember rule #1 is that a hand with it's fingers extended should be able to cover that persons face up to their base hairline and that #2 is that the fingers on the average human hand are close to the same length as the palm, if a little shorter or longer, depending on the person.
Title: Re: The Alielle Valentine Fan-Art
Post by: larewen_evenstar on March 15, 2003, 06:04:30 am
Great. That made sense. Unlike the things some people say, *evily eyes El.*
Title: Re: The Alielle Valentine Fan-Art
Post by: Saucer on March 16, 2003, 05:09:06 pm
All right! Good job Gil. Now where's Ifurita? ^^; ;D
Title: Re: The Alielle Valentine Fan-Art
Post by: larewen_evenstar on March 23, 2003, 06:54:01 am
And how about another Shayla?