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Messages - Aya Mikage

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 14
Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Re: Hi guys! Long time no see!
« on: July 25, 2004, 07:13:30 am »


I am waiting for WOWC tooo hehehe...

Anyone here play Diablo 2 online?

Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Re: Hi guys! Long time no see!
« on: July 22, 2004, 07:24:12 am »

;D Cool!

Anyone seen Tsuzuki while I'm away? uhmmm.. i mean is he still here irritating you people of EHOL? hehe

Well anyways, non-Ragnarok Online fans/players and RO addicts will soon see the Ragnarok Online the Animated Series.. It is now being aired in Japan and here in the Philippines, its first two episodes... Soon, there will be a lot more players of RO and RO anime fans too. I'll be expecting that!


Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Hi guys! Long time no see!
« on: July 18, 2004, 06:50:18 pm »

Well its been a long while since i've posted my last discussion on this forum!! ^_^V

I've been submerged into a certain addiction of RPGs.. waaaa... Ragnarok Online is the best RPG ever!

So how are you guys? I've been rily out of touch! Please update me or welcome me back in this EHOL Forum!

Love you guys!


Either way, rape “tecnically” doesn’t exits; any forced sex act takes 30 seconds to one minute for the woman to begin enjoying it and begging for more.

Since I'm a virgin, I still have no idea of whats good/bad sex really is. But you stated here Mr. Saucer that "Rape technically doesn't exist." I think you are very very wrong.

I guess you haven't been raped, ryt?

I didn't like the article. Sorry.

Even if you already said this:
DISCLAIMER: Don't take these things seriously. This is just to make fun of hentai.

Oh Pleeeaaaseee

Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Re: Test: Are You A Hottie or Notty?
« on: January 04, 2004, 04:23:36 am »
Okies Fugi....

I'll tell them not to post anything crazy from now on!

Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Re: Test: Are You A Hottie or Notty?
« on: January 04, 2004, 04:23:36 am »
Okies Fugi....

I'll tell them not to post anything crazy from now on!

Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Re: What year was it for you?
« on: January 04, 2004, 04:14:16 am »

Well anyways, nobody really knows what 2004 will bring us...

But I believe in karma. So lets just do good..

Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Re: Happy New Year!
« on: January 01, 2004, 10:40:54 pm »
 :o XD


Happy New Year sa inyong Tanan!!

I only played RO till dawn!! WOW... that was kinda tiring.. :-X I think this is Raggy's fault I got addicted too..

Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Re: Happy Holidays ^_^
« on: December 29, 2003, 09:33:58 am »

Yeahh.. HOPPY HOLIDEYS everyone!


and Happy New Year

To addicted raggy onliners:

See you at Ghast Helm on new year's eve!! Lets challenge em Player vs. Player...

Happy New Year!!

PVP?... hehe... heck...
Ryt, c u in Ghast Helm, Raggy..


Im gonna put Ragnarok to my list...
Its been driving me nuts...

Spending hours online gaming.... its addicting

Of all the cute dudes and dudettes of Rune-Midgard Ragnarok....

I choose the only powerful and the cutest of 'em all..
Right now, Im a very powerful Battle Priestess and Im with a very cute wizard... We've plans to get married on IRIS server by next month..

he nicknamed himself as........



Of all the cute dudes and dudettes of Rune-Midgard Ragnarok....

I choose the only powerful and the cutest of 'em all..
Right now, Im a very powerful Battle Priestess and Im with a very cute wizard... We've plans to get married on IRIS server by next month..

he nicknamed himself as........




Hey Raggy!

As a part of our guild in Ragnarok you should change your avatar...
Remember our deal..

And oh =,], Robert Deniro's got another name... Before that was  :| Rob the EHOL Guy... now its that Bobby Parabeetle... WIERD... =,]

What would be the next?

Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Re: What year was it for you?
« on: December 11, 2003, 03:48:43 am »

You had a very long post there, AYA-san. ^^; What happened on July 12 anyway? :-/

Congratulations for winning the regional Speech Choir in Motion. I bet it wasn't easy..

I just have a bad day on that day. That's all...

Thats the day when my fortune which was written below as my signature became a reality just exactly when I turned 16... :|

Thank you for your concern but what really happened that day is arewa no kankenai... :P


I have a lot of em!

shaylashaylaflame1 eh? a newbie... WELCOME TO EHOL!

Vandread - Meia, Dita, Parfet, DUERO!!, BC :o

Yami no Matsuei -  |D Tsuzuki ASATO!! , HISOKA and MURAKI!!! ^_^V Im totally mad bout the YAMI NO MATSUEI BOYS

El Hazard - KALIA and Ifurita ;D

Super Gals - All characters

Sailormoon - Sailor Neptune(michiru), Pluto(meiou setsuna and Saturn (tomoe hotaru)

AYASHI NO CERES - Aya Mikage, Tooya and Ceres(u).

Eden's Bowy

Shadow Skill - Dias Lag....

Samurai X - Soujiro (spelling might be wrong)

You're Under Arrest - TOKAIRIN and NATSUMI...

Gensoumaden Saiyuki - Nataku, Genjo Sanzo XD, Cho Hakkai, Sha Gojyo and Rinrei..

Sol Bianca (The Legacy) - All of the female pirates...

Gundam Wing and others - Relena,  TIFA... My crush calls me TIFA...

Fushigi Yuugi - Its always YUI HONGO and TASUKI..

RAVE - REsha Valentine/Elie and HARU GLORY...

Slamdunk - RUKAWA!!!!

Gatekeppers - Yuriko...

Trigun - Vash the Stampede....

Shaman King - Hou, MANTA ;D, Amidamaru....


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