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Topics - belldandyfan

Pages: [1]
El-Hazard Online / El Hazard- A cgi project
« on: May 19, 2006, 01:20:43 pm »
I've been thinking about doing this for a while... but unsure where to start.

Then I came across a series of 3d poser type models that had been shifted over into 3d studio max format, along with complex motion paths for the wireframes.

I knew such things were out there, and I've been using lightwave and 3ds max for years for other purposes... but I figured that the fly away hair that Ifurita has would be too hard to model. Then I ran into a site that shows how to do this sort of hair... and I now have this image burning in my head of what a cgi ifurita would look like.

I'm going to give it a try.

I'll post pictures later to let you know how it turns out... and if anyone wants to try doing similar models... it'd be fun to see if we could duplicate scenes from the original anime using cgi.

El-Hazard Online / El Hazard AMVs
« on: April 02, 2005, 02:32:24 pm »
How about this for a new topic.

I'm sure most people here are at least marginally familiar with the concept of Anime Music videos... that said, what Anime music videos have you seen that include ElHazard are good?

Myself I have the following vids

Superman's Theme - a El Hazard AMV featuring Fujisawa in all his superman glory

3 doors down, Kryptonite- An El Hazard AMV focused mainly on ifurita

Enigma, Only time, by Rogue Guymelef productions... an El Hazard  and Cowboy beebop AMV focusing on Makoto and Ifurita

Evanescence, Bring me to life, video by onyyx studios- nother Ifurita /makoto focused AMV

Evanescence , Bring me to life (arabian remix) , a mostly ifurita loves makoto focused AMV

the HubbaHubba Zoot Zoot AMV (words fail me here)

chumbawumba , tub thumping  An ElHazard AMV that is just silly

Sabre Dance by Khachaturian, original Skin studio... a pretty silly classical El Hazard Wanderer's AMV

Josh Grobin, You're still you ,  Rtfbrtr productions, a 'meh' AMV.. not all that great.

Enigma , Gravity of love, by Gigavan productions... one the the best El Hazard AMV ever IMHO

peter gabrial , Big Time, (a tribute to Katsuhiko fans hehe)

Sarah Brightman, Once in a life time,AMV by Micheal Ko.. the absolute quintescential EH AMV . If you've never seen it before it's a _must_ have

Anyone aware of any others out there that are good?

Also... I'm thinking of setting up a Exeem bit torrent with all these zipped up into a single file if anyone is interested in getting them all. Any takers?

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