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Topics - kiddo

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El-Hazard Online / El-Hazard, ported to GBA! How jolly!
« on: May 25, 2003, 02:41:09 pm »
Yeah, well, apparently Rob "forgot" a certain community when he released this jug of info -


The MoogleMB is a nice community, but that's not my point. The point is, of course, that Rob has made an attempt to port El-Hazard to a GameBoy Advance-type thing!

Ripped from the original post Rob made:

"Well, it'd be nice if they'd do it for me, but anyway, I brought the only current El-Hazard video game ever made now to the Gameboy Advance... at least as a ROM file.

Yup, it's my EHPC gone GBA (EHGBA).  This is only about 2 weeks work to port the whole program, but keep in mind I programmed the Sega Genesis a little bit so I had a greater grasp on how consoles work.

Anyway, it was a somewhat gratifying event.  The whole of EHPC pretty much functioned directly using the same source code.  The main changes revolved around the graphics system which, save for the bitmap mode I used, is nothing like PCs.  And even then the bitmap mode I used, the 256 color one, requires 16-bit writes which gave me numerous difficulties, some of which I have decided to resolve "whenever I feel like it", such as the Ura map.

As you can see, my hack implement for this didn't work quite to my hope.  Oh well.  It works well enough to see what you need to see.

Here's a variety of shots during development to see other technical difficulties that arose from the intricate and often annoyingly touchy Gameboy graphics system:

There's also a bug that seems to occur intermittedly that will also require more time than I feel like putting forth at the moment...

The logical choices are, of course, "Let Ishiel Go" or "Jail Her".  However, you'll notice the "down arrow" indicated more choices below... this is actually reminicent of a bug from an early version of EHPC that for some reason resurfaced.  But it's different due to the way ROM functions over RAM or something.  Anyway, the point is, please only select menu choices that are LOGICAL.  Being a moron could result in you seeing my custom BLUE SCREEN OF DEATH:

But then, in the end, it's all good:

For those who are crazy enough to play it long enough, you should wind up with total completion:

I doubt your patience though.  :P

The ROM is sized out to a real base 2 32MB, that maximum possible for a GBA.  Much of this space is actually filled by low-bitrate recordings of actual MP3 music used for the endings.  (I wasn't going to do this originally, but all game code and graphics fleshed out to about 23MB, and the next base 2 number is 32MB anyway!  Might as well use the space.)

This was only test to run successfully in Visual Boy Advance.  This is available for both PC and Mac (v1.15 and v1.14 respectively, I think.)  I haven't actually tested VBA for Mac yet, so someone else will need to tell me if it runs.  It was developed to run on v1.15.  Eventually once I get a job and some money together I'll actually by the Flash Linker jig and test it for functionality on the real hardware.  For now, I don't think it'll work (it could, but I probably have an error somewhere.)


In recent news for this game, I've been added to the credits screen for being a nice jolly good boy. ;P

So, anyone else wanna comment? :P

Ok, I think I'm getting on an off-topic streak here, but anyway... Rob, did you see the Fox Box? This week they apparently made a commerical for... Back to the Future, next week? My guess is that this is a new Back to the Future series. :O

Anyway... blah... let me go back to FoxBox again.  don't want to miss the new TMNT Series. :O (Not that I really care for their dubbed anime, though. Their anime dubs are.... blllleeeehhhhh... XP)

Ok, I think I'm getting on an off-topic streak here, but anyway... Rob, did you see the Fox Box? This week they apparently made a commerical for... Back to the Future, next week? My guess is that this is a new Back to the Future series. :O

Anyway... blah... let me go back to FoxBox again.  don't want to miss the new TMNT Series. :O (Not that I really care for their dubbed anime, though. Their anime dubs are.... blllleeeehhhhh... XP)

El-Hazard Online / Inappropiate topic! The S.A.G.E Expo! :P
« on: March 09, 2003, 01:53:19 pm »
Hello, all you El-Hazard peeps who are probably uninterested in this, but anyway...

As of today, the net's Sonic Amateur Games Exposition's March opening is... well, open. :P And you're all free to visit.


Inside the silly place, you'll find a bunch of funky Sonic The Hedgehog-based fangames, ranging from crap to 1337. You can also... um... do other things there, I think. XP

Anyway, since this is the first time I'm trying to make this news outside of a fangame/Sonic The Hedgehog community... THAR YE GO. :P

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