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El-Hazard Online / In with the new!
« on: January 15, 2003, 10:29:18 pm »

I did my monthly ( ;) ) e-mail check, to find the 'EHPC' E-mail, and I must admit:  This Rob, he never ceases to amaze me.  If he needs a translator or MIDI artist, I'm sure s/he'll come (well, I'm both, but I'm lazy and unreliable)

As a sad side-note, [Rob: Don't mention E****.  That's buried past.  I knew they'd never finish it ANYway, I just did that to keep some people quiet.  Few people here even know what that is, so, no reason to be bringing it up.  It's El-Hazard all the way now.]

Well, that's pretty impressive work.  All I can suggest is that for optimal translation, it is most likely possible to hack the script and bust that Jappy text wide open.  (And it prolly wouldn't even be that hard, considering it's as recent as the Saturn it might just be standard Shift-JIS or EUC text, uncompressed!)  Keep it up!

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