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Messages - jibril

Pages: [1]
El-Hazard Online / Three Ifuritas?  Three faces of Ifurita?
« on: January 09, 2009, 07:33:28 pm »
I came acroos this photo entitle "Three faces of Ifurita."  I know the top one is original Ifi, and the bottom one is TV Ifurita - but can someone tell me the one in the middle, tan skin, comes from?


El-Hazard Online / Re: Why so little Makoto/Ifurita fanstuff?
« on: April 05, 2008, 12:21:37 am »
Thanks!  That makes sense... I never really liked remakes or sequels not true to the original (most of the time anyway) - no offense to the other fans.

Nice manga:)

El-Hazard Online / Why so little Makoto/Ifurita fanstuff?
« on: April 03, 2008, 02:31:44 am »
They are my favorite pairing (OAV1 fan only), but there's hardly anything for this pairing anywhere.... even though they are the favored pairing (OAV1).  So little El-Hazard as it is.....

It seems Makoto (or Ifi) are paired with other always in doujin.... or even fanfics.  What gives?  This is so unlike... say the favorites in Tenchi Muyo or other anime....


Really, I'm just looking for good Ifurita :-* or Makoto/Ifurita stuff (piccys, stories, etc) and I just don't find anything (hardly anything).

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