El-Hazard Online

General => El-Hazard Online => Topic started by: Captain Southbird (EHOL Creator) on November 05, 2002, 03:53:09 am

Title: El-Hazard Sega Saturn Cont. [GLITCH FIX]
Post by: Captain Southbird (EHOL Creator) on November 05, 2002, 03:53:09 am
[Rob: YIPE!  Bad ownership on the file.  Sorry about that if you tried to post!  Please note, this information may be dated, please see the main site section for the most up-to-date information available!]

Now that I have a fully functional Saturn, I've finally been able to see what the El-Hazard Sega Saturn game is really like.

Generally, it's like an old style text RPG, a box that seems to be talking of where you are / what's going on, generally narrated by Makoto.  On that note, it's 100% voiced.  (Although all Japanese text and all Japanese voice doesn't really help my inability to read Japanese ;))

I think it might actually have been at least mildly enjoyable by an English-speaking El-Hazard fan ... if it were in English.  But for me it's more just straight work to get through dialogs and randomly guess on menus to just keep going around the place... oh, and the game itself seems to be somewhat glitchy.  And the Ishiel introduction movie causes the worst problems, generally freezing the Saturn (guh?) Heh, I hope I can get through it again, seeing as I'll have to until I replace the Saturn Memory Battery to be allowed to save... (on the second round, I managed to bypass the movie after an everlasting 40 seconds or so of mashing buttons)

Here's what the story seems to be thus far ... (what I'm saying is by no means accurate for sure; I'm basing this on the imagery and past El-Hazard experience)

Nanami walks in on Makoto who's busy working on a project in the science lab at school.  
It's the evening, and Nanami is upset at him about something.  [This is deduced by the faces that appear with dialog text and, of course, voice variations; in Wanderes, Nanami was upset that Makoto "missed lunch again" and was supposed to walk her home.]
Makoto tries to explain to Nanami what his project is, but only manages to confuse the poor girl.  Fujisawa arrives for a brief moment noting something to Makoto.  [In Wanderers, Fujisawa was wondering what Makoto and Nanami were still doing there, and generally told them to get going home.]

Nanami and Fujisawa have left, leaving Makoto alone in the dark science lab with his peculiar devices.  Suddenly, an inter-space portal opens up.  (Quiet, you know it is)

It's a girl!  Makoto nervously makes conversational exchanges with this girl, who seems to be begging him to go to some place named "El-Hazard."  [I could swear on more then one occasion in this dialog, I heard "Fatora" uttered ... maybe it was in my head, but I'm wondering if they renamed Rune Fatora...]
This upsets Makoto greatly, but the girl seems to calm his fears and only induce confusion more about this El-Hazard place.  Suddenly, in comes Nanami's big brother Jinnai.

Shining a flashlight upon him, Jinnai asks Makoto what in the world he's doing.  [While in Wanderers and Magnificent World the only reason that Jinnai would encounter Makoto is because he needs to bitch about being overthrown as president, there honestly seems to be absolutely no mention of this at all... in fact, Jinnai seems very calm through this whole scene while trying to figure out why Makoto is acting all weird... and I'm pretty sure I hear an Engrish "coo-koo" uttered from Jinnai, in reference to Makoto's rambling.  He then leaves the room for a moment...]

Makoto turns back to the girl, who now seems angry at him for talking to Jinnai.  [Just my guess, but it seems that Rune(?) is playing MW Ifurita's card in being the girl who's already been there, done that, and is only trying to drag Makoto in.  Therefore, her words would be something like "Why didn't you kick his ass before he causes us trouble?!"]
In any event, the girl decides to take over the portal, and produce a strength to draw Makoto in ... at this exact moment, Jinnai happens to wander back in.  The dialog suggests something like (and I'm not kidding, Jinnai is actually being this nice it seems...)
"Hey, Makoto, I forgot to tell you / bring you something -- WHAT ... ?!  WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!"

Suddenly, for no apparent reason, the whole event seems to dramatically alter Jinnai's mind.  Suddenly he lunges at Makoto and begins to tackle him to the floor!
[Here's where the now-available MP3 "Everything's Going Crazy!" cues]

Then there's the ever-predictable flipping-around shots of everybody getting sucked in through the portal mass to El-Hazard ...


Makoto wakes up to find himself in a lush clearing.  He questions, could this be "El-Hazard"?  He suddenly hears rustling!  Who could it be?  ... Mr. Fujisawa!

"Where are we?" questions Fujisawa.  Makoto isn't really sure, mumbles about El-Hazard, which Fujisawa looks at him crazy-like for even suggesting such an odd thing.

Suddenly, they're surrounded by giant bugs!  

Commense Fujisawa's attempt at ass-kicking Bugrom.

But there's too many!  Fujisawa cannot keep up!  Makoto and Fujisawa are doomed...!  But suddenly...

A strange energy blast saves them both...?

Well, it's none other then the priestess of Earth, Ishiel!

Follows is a very long dialog consisting of some key words such as "Shayla", "Bugrom", etc.  Ishiel seems confused at Makoto and Fujisawa's long names and titles.  [She questions "sensei" and Makoto's peculiar "Mizuhara Makoto" ... not sure if it's the length or the last-name-first deal that's confusing her]

As seen in the ripped video (see previous Saturn post), Ishiel makes Fujisawa blush then ...
... and again.

Could this be Fujisawa's love interest?

Meanwhile, Nanami is wandering the desert, gasping for water...

And Jinnai is picked up by Bugrom...
... with whom he is very pleased to discover he can communicate with, and is brought before Queen Diva...


[I know he does some kind of pitch to Diva, but if it's the impressive "Messenger from God" or the Wanderers cheesy "Do you like destroying people?!" "Every chance I get!" bit, I can't tell...]

Back with our heroes, they have arrived at Floristica...

About the time they get there, Fujisawa is getting very irate, and repeatedly yelling about "Sake" (Ah, Fujisawa...)
Makoto is embarrassed by Fujisawa's behavior and can't really fend off Fujisawa's temper, Ishiel is merely annoyed, but compliant to Fujisawa's needs...

They check in to a local Inn, and Ishiel manages to obtain Fujisawa's desire.

And then a conversation of talking, laughing, and drinking commenses.
... to the last drop.

To be honest, I kind of like the Ishiel thing.  If they're actually going to get into a relationship of some sort, I'd really like to see it, it'd be an interesting change of pace as opposed to desperate lonely Miz who instantly grabs onto Fujisawa like a parasite.  If nothing else, Ishiel instantly priques Fujisawa's male side, and then complies with his alcohol requirement (and as noted, has an obviously enjoyed time with during the drink)

So far, this is all I've really managed to see.  After this event, you're given control of Makoto to wander via the Ura Map to one of four locations; the Inn, the nearby Town (shopping area?), the fountain, and the palace (but I could only get to the outside, where stopped by a guard, of course).
This is where the game starts to break off into a puzzle-oriented system, I'm positive of that.  Japanese text makes it hard, and then I just got tired ... and lacking a good battery in the Saturn, I'm required to start all over again... so you probably won't see any more updates on this till this weekend.

[Rob: ... there have been more since.  Please see main site section and check the news as they come about ;)]
Title: Re: El-Hazard Sega Saturn Cont.
Post by: BRPXQZME on November 05, 2002, 07:50:21 pm
Dead battery... that's what happens when you get a Saturn these days... (it happened to RJ.  So he got a good battery.  Amusingly, we went into the gym locker room and put the dead one on top of the locker.  He said, "Nickel up for grabs" and two guys immediately started fighting for it. XD )

Random translations:
Fujisawa: Sorry for my impoliteness.  For saving me on my trip, Thank you.

That's Diva speaking.  And it's the 'Messenger from God' one.

Makoto (which, BTW means "truth; faith", etc): I'm sorry.  But sensei....

Ishiel: Jaan! (Not sure what it means, but pretty sure it's like... in a cheery tone of voice)

Makoto: (Beats me. -BRP)

KARAN! (Guess that's the hollow sound of the bottle opening)
Title: Re: El-Hazard Sega Saturn Cont.
Post by: Captain Southbird (EHOL Creator) on November 05, 2002, 10:34:28 pm
He said, "Nickel up for grabs" and two guys immediately started fighting for it. XD

Ho ho, nice :P

Well, actually, my younger brother discovered that the Saturn memory, which is of course valid while the power is still on, can be backed up onto the Pro Action Replay, which nicely came with the Saturn, and therefore doubles as not only the country-check bypasser, but now also a savegame vault until I get around to replacing the on-board battery.  (I am psyched :p)

Ishiel: Jaan! (Not sure what it means, but pretty sure it's like... in a cheery tone of voice)

Yup, that's probably about it.  She says it kinda like "tada!" when bringing it in.

... my God, if you could just "randomly translate" the rest of the game like that, we could be in serious business ...

My question was, btw, do you get summers off, i.e., could I possibly be looking forward to getting some service off you?  I'm getting so desperate for translations I might even pay.  ;p
Title: Re: El-Hazard Sega Saturn Cont.
Post by: BRPXQZME on November 05, 2002, 11:13:15 pm
With good luck, yes I will.  Ironically, I just got grounded for two weeks.  Double Darn.

Of course, I have been known for contraband activities... so... yeah... don't expect me, but I might show up.
Title: Re: El-Hazard Sega Saturn Cont.
Post by: Captain Southbird (EHOL Creator) on November 06, 2002, 03:42:33 pm
Well, it was an interesting thought, but in a later scene, Fujisawa leaves his and Makoto's room for a moment, only to have Ishiel want to come in.

Wouldn't you know it...


Makoto seems to deny her, and she leaves.  Fujisawa returns, and wonders what's wrong with Makoto.  Best guess I have is him saying something like "Ishiel came on to me!" and then Fujisawa gets all sad.

So Makoto does his regular act, and it looks like Fujisawa got kicked in the shins this time ...
Title: Re: El-Hazard Sega Saturn Cont. [GLITCH FIX]
Post by: Captain Southbird (EHOL Creator) on November 16, 2002, 03:38:02 am
*kicks glitchy death out of thread*

Man, that was a real nasty permissions glitch... sorry about that folks, laziness led to trouble on something ;p
Title: Re: El-Hazard Sega Saturn Cont. [GLITCH FIX]
Post by: BRPXQZME on November 21, 2002, 10:43:37 pm
Well, Rob I'd be happy to help translate it.  I think, however, that it might help to do a little research into extracting script from the Saturn (I don't know how, and to my knowledge hasn't been done.  And SNES extraction is hard enough).  Perhaps finding a 16-bit extractor genius would help, because the principle should be the same....

Of course, any way you go about feeding it to me line by line is not going to be a pretty kettle of fish.

Then again, study of Japanese text would
a) get you a chance at figuring out the system
b) enable you to write cool Chinese characters
c) waste valuable time
d) put me out of commision  ;D
Title: Re: El-Hazard Sega Saturn Cont. [GLITCH FIX]
Post by: Captain Southbird (EHOL Creator) on November 21, 2002, 11:28:19 pm
Nah, I'll tell you what bud... I've decided to just utilize the all-English walkthrough to turn the project into a big hunk o' fanfiction.  The walkthrough summarizes the scenes and translates the menus and their function, I'll just combine that with basic El-Hazard knowledge and generate a pseudo-translation.

Any other method would require a lot of rediculous work anyway; either getting thousands of screen captures or hacking my way into possibly a labrynth of 16-bit unicode strings that may even be compressed or encoded using memory-saving shortcut systems.  I'll also be reprogramming it on the PC/Windows platform (possibly ported given a chance) as opposed to just hacking the currently unemulatable Saturn system.  (Meaning that even if I DID manage to hack the original binary, only a handful of still-current Saturn owners could even RUN it...)

Either way, I'll take care of the Saturn using the outlines of the walkthrough, and prefer you just work on really out there oddities like this (http://www.el-hazardonline.net/cgi-bin/register/eholmemberfile.cgi?getfile=cdimages/ehost2bookpage78.jpg;type=jpeg) beauty right here.
Title: Re: El-Hazard Sega Saturn Cont. [GLITCH FIX]
Post by: BRPXQZME on November 23, 2002, 02:30:26 pm
Heh, It'sa gonna be a looong day for teh GIMP.

I mean month... no, maybe year.

Because I never produce crap :P
Title: Re: El-Hazard Sega Saturn Cont. [GLITCH FIX]
Post by: Captain Southbird (EHOL Creator) on November 23, 2002, 07:20:56 pm
... what?
Title: Re: El-Hazard Sega Saturn Cont. [GLITCH FIX]
Post by: kiddo on December 01, 2002, 04:47:31 pm
::Downloads the shower scenes from the old version of the thread::

Lovely, lovely, lovely. :E

.. Oh, and, 2ND POST! ::shot down::
Title: Re: El-Hazard Sega Saturn Cont. [GLITCH FIX]
Post by: Captain Southbird (EHOL Creator) on December 01, 2002, 11:11:35 pm
Not quite "shower" scenes, bath scenes.  Same difference.
Title: Re: El-Hazard Sega Saturn Cont. [GLITCH FIX]
Post by: kiddo on December 01, 2002, 11:17:10 pm
True, but both are rather nice. Now, where was that "Rune in the bath" scene that I believe the FAQ mentioned? :o
Title: Re: El-Hazard Sega Saturn Cont. [GLITCH FIX]
Post by: Captain Southbird (EHOL Creator) on December 02, 2002, 04:45:19 pm
That's available in picture form only, and game-specific graphics I'm not giving out since I use them for my own purposes at the moment (I wrote the tool to rip them, I feel I shall hold onto them)

There is, however, equivalent images in the Wanderers screenshot areas.
Title: Re: El-Hazard Sega Saturn Cont. [GLITCH FIX]
Post by: kiddo on December 04, 2002, 08:17:34 am
Oooh, ooh. ::goes to look::
Title: Why did he run away?  You scare him, THAT'S WHY!
Post by: BRPXQZME on January 16, 2003, 01:55:34 am
I finally got some time into translation:

The left side:

"Fatora and Makoto alike have finally discovered the ultimate beauty.
Dressing in women's clothes?  By no means should he suffer like this!
Indeed, in the room Makoto's genuine screams can be heard.
Title: Re: El-Hazard Sega Saturn Cont. [GLITCH FIX]
Post by: Captain Southbird (EHOL Creator) on January 17, 2003, 01:29:39 am
For what its worth! (http://www.el-hazardonline.net/cgi-bin/register/eholmemberfile.cgi?getfile=cdimages/ehost2bookpage78_BRP.jpg;type=jpeg)
Title: Re: El-Hazard Sega Saturn Cont. [GLITCH FIX]
Post by: kiddo on January 23, 2003, 01:32:13 am
Yeah! Go Rob!... although you didn't quite completely remove the Japanese text, as It's still... quite noticeable. :O
Title: Re: El-Hazard Sega Saturn Cont. [GLITCH FIX]
Post by: Captain Southbird (EHOL Creator) on January 23, 2003, 11:33:20 pm
No, I don't think it's there at all, HOWEVER the stupid over-shadow text I put on there to try to defer anyone from claiming rights to BRP's work does look rather intrusive... oh well.
Title: Re: El-Hazard Sega Saturn Cont. [GLITCH FIX]
Post by: Fujisawa4654 on January 24, 2003, 01:03:20 am
What the hell?

I can only Imagine what goes on in both of your minds.. weither it's Rob's mind saying:


While in teh other mind, it's:

"HAH(edit)AHA I'll continue this rampage for attention!"

Sorry if I insulted any of you but, JEESH... WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU GUY STALKING ABOUT!? BRQXZTSME WHATEVER... You keep on speeking in the "Freaky Deeky" language..

[Edit by Neil: First off, calm down. Second, don't stretch the tables like that. Can't really make out your post at all atm, have to go to college now.]

[Second edit by Neil: Oh, I see. Marquee. *removes the tags* Thank god that stuff doesn't show up in Opera.

Anyway, please don't have a stream of constant unspaced text again. Some of us prefer to use alternate browsers, aside from Internet Explorer when surfing the internet. Please take this into consideration, Fujisawa.]
Title: Re: El-Hazard Sega Saturn Cont. [GLITCH FIX]
Post by: Captain Southbird (EHOL Creator) on January 24, 2003, 11:45:31 am
Sorry if I insulted any of you but, JEESH... WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU GUY STALKING ABOUT!? BRQXZTSME WHATEVER... You keep on speeking in the "Freaky Deeky" language..

No insults because I have no idea what you're ranting about.  What is this "Freaky Deeky" language?


"HAH(edit)AHA I'll continue this rampage for attention!"

I don't think either of those mindsets apply to anyone at the moment.
Title: Re: El-Hazard Sega Saturn Cont. [GLITCH FIX]
Post by: Fujisawa4654 on January 24, 2003, 07:17:30 pm
*falls over* sorry, tired when posting, musta been CRANKY as A *obcene*!!!!

Anyway, please don't have a stream of constant unspaced text again. Some of us prefer to use alternate browsers, aside from Internet Explorer when surfing the internet. Please take this into consideration, Fujisawa.

sorry didn't know... microsh--*obscene*--t is a STUPID *profanities*... I swear to god for some reason qindows XP is TAKING A STINKIN' SH--*obscene*--T ON ME!!
GO TO HELL STUPID SON OF A *very obscene, followed by more profanities* MICRO... !@#$ it.. lol... Micro crap, very small crap...
Title: Re: El-Hazard Sega Saturn Cont. [GLITCH FIX]
Post by: BRPXQZME on January 24, 2003, 08:12:46 pm
"Freeky Deeky"?


*laughs coz it sounds funny*

Wow, nice.  Although... gee, the watermark is a bit distractive.
Title: Re: El-Hazard Sega Saturn Cont. [GLITCH FIX]
Post by: Fujisawa4654 on January 25, 2003, 03:43:33 pm
... And I quote Rob, "...What?"
Title: Re: El-Hazard Sega Saturn Cont. [GLITCH FIX]
Post by: Captain Southbird (EHOL Creator) on January 25, 2003, 04:10:50 pm
Wow, nice.  Although... gee, the watermark is a bit distractive.

And then I had stupidly saved over the version without it, so I can't do much, except carefully clean it off, humph.
Title: Re: El-Hazard Sega Saturn Cont. [GLITCH FIX]
Post by: d.t. on March 14, 2003, 07:23:15 pm
Sorry to bother you all.  I'm just wondering how saving will work in the finished version.  Will you be able to have as many save files as you want, or will there be a limit somehow?  Some of us want to get every version of the story, and that's considerably more difficult if there's a limit to the number of files you can save...
Title: Re: El-Hazard Sega Saturn Cont. [GLITCH FIX]
Post by: Captain Southbird (EHOL Creator) on March 14, 2003, 07:54:08 pm
Heh, you could've actually posted this in the stickied topic ;)

But okay, I'll answer it here --

There are still only 3 save slots per Saturn function.  HOWEVER, when you get an Ending, continue saving to a common slot.  


It will reset your save position to "Chapter 1", but it will note how many endings you have.  Eventually, if you have a save slot that totals up all 9 endings, you will get access to the Bonus Option menu, which gives you the ability to play back any of the 9 endings and a few other goodies.
