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Author Topic: Post-Alternative World type Idea-esque Things  (Read 12913 times)
Captain Southbird (EHOL Creator)
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« Reply #15 on: March 02, 2003, 06:38:35 pm »

Well, that's just another way of linking her.  I guess the power comes from if you assume she's the direct blueprint genetic or otherwise, then that could be a powerful blow to figure out you're directly related to the weapon that killed many people...
It's a little less to learn there's just blood splatter on your name from long long ago.

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Captain Southbird (EHOL Creator)
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« Reply #16 on: March 03, 2003, 02:18:05 am »

I just wanted to note that, again while it's 2AM and I should have been asleep long ago, I had read the short fic "Eighteenth Night", and this is a nice author's quote from it:

The element of air is associated, in mystical theory, with "thought"

I remember in some of my preliminary stages I had thought about Dr. S being the guy Makoto would learn from more then anything.  Now, while 18th' didn't really give me a WHOLE lot to go on, it does at least help grease the wheel a little, so to speak...

I can see where Afura would be good for almost any pondering, and I don't mind the Wanderers definition of a heavy reader.  In that sense, the author brought it out fairly well, without having to carry extra baggage from Wanderers I DON'T care for (the silly "competition" with Shayla, the overall bitchiness, etc...)

I also decided to read the Galus fic linked earlier in this thread.  It was kind of interesting history idea... and I even learned something.
For the purposes of this story, I'd ask you to forget that AIC says Galus was 130 in the OAV series, if you knew about that. If you didn't, I'd ask you to forget I even mentioned it.

... naturally, I won't fulfill the author's wish on that note.  ;)

Uhm... while both of these were suggested and were an interesting read, I don't think they really help with the active situation here.  I mean, this first meeting of Galus (which apparently invalidates itself) is a unique concept, but that seems like its better suited for a different scenario.  Of course, what do I know...

The Afura one was a light seasoning, and kind of gave her a little coloring, and that's important.  Although I still need more direction on where she should be taken, exactly...
It's also a random point to note that she could tell that the cruiser at the end of OAV2 would get them home if they fly low.  This suggests some mechanical skill.

I dunno, I'm just confused, maybe it's too late at the moment.  :P

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« Reply #17 on: March 04, 2003, 10:29:59 pm »


I can see where Afura would be good for almost any pondering, and I don't mind the Wanderers definition of a heavy reader.  In that sense, the author brought it out fairly well, without having to carry extra baggage from Wanderers I DON'T care for (the silly "competition" with Shayla, the overall bitchiness, etc...)

I always found it amusing that, when AIC takes one of their OVAs and makes a TV series out of it, they take the characters personalities and blow them totally out of proportion. *COUGH*battleathletes*COUGH*

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Captain Southbird (EHOL Creator)
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« Reply #18 on: March 04, 2003, 11:43:01 pm »

Well, seeing as the production teams between the two had absolutely nothing to do with each other, I suspect a lot of the stranger facets of Wanderers were the results of people stuck in the same ruts we find ourselves in... "Hey, what exactly is Afura?" "Dunno, she was just kinda there." "Uh... okay, how about she's in competition with Shayla for some reason?" "Write that down!"

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« Reply #19 on: March 05, 2003, 11:35:35 pm »

True, Afura certainly was a background chara in the OVA! Aside from making a few smart ass comments in the Japanese version (a trait which seems to all but disappear in Wanderers). Funny though, that this doesn't really seem to come off as much in the dub. Then again, I haven't watched the dub in years so.....

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« Reply #20 on: March 09, 2003, 04:02:50 pm »

You need to see all of the El-Hazard animated series to even vaguely understand this, okay?

Ah, thats why I'm not understanding any of this!! Now I'm beginning to understand! No wait...nope, still nothing.

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« Reply #21 on: March 11, 2003, 09:58:54 pm »

I'm sorry that I didn't get around to responding to the previous topic-- but I am so incredibly busy with other things, at the moment.  I probably won't get any more fan fiction written until June, the way things have been going.  I'm writing this now when I should be writing checks to pay my bills  :P

Since there doesn't seem to be a definitive map of the Alliance kingdoms, someone probably ought to draw a "fanon" (fan-canon) map, if they haven't already.  It'd be helpful for your project, and for future fan fiction projects.  FWIW, I've assumed/hoped that Roshtaria and Gannan shared a border in my fan fiction.

The only other (completely unhelpful) thing I have to say, after skimming this topic, is-- I'm pleased that I've worked out a back-story of my own for Kauru that I haven't seen anywhere else yet.  Now I gotta get "Hana Ni Arashi" written before someone else *does* come up with it.

Captain Southbird (EHOL Creator)
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« Reply #22 on: March 11, 2003, 10:48:26 pm »

Of course, alternatively, I wouldn't care if you DID sprout up an alternate theory.  I'm not really sure WHAT to think about the topic anymore.  :P

Of course, that's because I've been seperated from this for over a month working on EHPC (which is finally done, FYI.  Just under bug testing and waiting for a guy to finish half of the BGMs in MIDI.)

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« Reply #23 on: March 13, 2003, 03:59:39 pm »

I know i've said this before, but: I'm really confused!!!

You said that last time when the poor martyr ended up at the infirmary because the gates of heaven refused to open. -- Vallier
Captain Southbird (EHOL Creator)
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« Reply #24 on: March 13, 2003, 10:21:33 pm »

A little forum advice: Instead of just saying you're confused, try asking about the particular part that's confusing you for additional explanation.

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Demon God(ess)
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« Reply #25 on: March 14, 2003, 10:09:38 pm »

Since there doesn't seem to be a definitive map of the Alliance kingdoms, someone probably ought to draw a "fanon" (fan-canon) map, if they haven't already.  

I created one using a screenshot and Microsoft Powerpoint that contains locations from the OAV, TV series, and video game, but I don't know how to post images to this forum.  Maybe I should just spruce it up a bit and email it to Rob.

FWIW, I've assumed/hoped that Roshtaria and Gannan shared a border in my fan fiction.

Well, on my map they do share a border, albeit a small one.  I pretty much stuck Roshtaria in the center of Alliance territory, OAV nations to the east and south, TV nations to the west, and Mt. Muldoon in the north.  
Demon God(ess)
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« Reply #26 on: March 27, 2003, 03:11:39 pm »

The reason that I don't understnad most of the stuff that goes on around here is because, even though I love El Hazard, I don't know much about it, so therefore, I get confused easily.

You said that last time when the poor martyr ended up at the infirmary because the gates of heaven refused to open. -- Vallier
Demon God(ess)
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« Reply #27 on: March 29, 2003, 04:57:35 pm »

The reason that I don't understnad most of the stuff that goes on around here is because, even though I love El Hazard, I don't know much about it, so therefore, I get confused easily.

So, I take it that you've watched all of the El Hazard anime? What is there not to understand?

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« Reply #28 on: April 07, 2003, 07:48:10 am »

I was thinking a little about this topic last night, so I suppose it's time to reply. Since I've written two fairly bulky fanfic series, both sharing the same continuity, I might be able to offer some insight on a few of these issues.

Alielle, Fatora and Londs: In my fic explaining the origin of Alielle and Fatora's relationship, I had Londs as being against the relationship (albeit finding it difficult to put his objections politely). The more laid back Dr S was more sympathetic. But Fatora was less assertive then, and in later fics his objections seem to disappear. Being the sort of person he is, I can't imagine he would ever be completely comfortable with it. We never get to see Londs and Fatora interact, but it's likely that she makes hi life very difficult.

On the other hand, though... I don't think he would object to Alielle's presence so much as to get rid of her. His loyalty to Fatora would conflict with that. If you want to cite the incident in Episode 2 (where Alielle kisses Makoto) as evidence, I always interpreted that scene a different way...

Londs reacts the way he does because he didn't know Alielle was back. He's been going to immense efforts to hide Fatora's disappearance, and suddenly Alielle appears- complicating matters, because now she's in on the gam, too. This is confirmed in the following scene when Alielle promises not to reveal the plan. It seems inconceivable to me that Londs didn't know about the Alielle/Fatora relationship until that point. Fatora never goes to any efforts to hide either her sexuality or her relationship with Alielle- in fact, one gets the impression that she enjoys showing Alielle off.

One last, largely unrelated point about this scene... Alielle's expression after she kisses Makoto. Look carefully and you'll see that the scene is set up in a similar way to Alielle and Makoto's first "encounter"- only this time, it's Makoto who gets the nasty, embarrassing shock. Alielle seems to have a decidely smug expression on her face. Could this be her getting even?

The Lamp of Fire getting knackered-
This happened briefly in The Shape of Things to Come, but Miz was able to fix it. She also comments that this is the second time Shayla has broken the Lamp (here we have an explanation of how the Lamp's appearnce changes between OAV1 and Alternative World). However, the shock of the Lamp breaking combined with the unconventional attack that caused it mean Shayla can't interact with the Lamp for a while.
On a semi-related point, we also discover that the Lamp is basically just a shell powered by a 'source' (for the Lamp of Fire, this is a piece of mysterious orange stone that glows when you poke it).

Qawoor, Ifurita, Arjah and the Eye of God-
There's clearly some connection between these. Here's my explanation: (spoilers for The Shape of Things to Come, if you're arsed).
Arjah was originally the guy who designed many of the Holy War's weapons, including Iffy and the Eye. As well as the obedience circuits we're all familiar with, he also gave them another obedience system that would ensure they weren't used to attack him (they recognised a specific genetic marker). Ifurita's design was actually based on Arjah's daughter.

Eventually, Arjah got wiped out by one of his own experiments, trapped as a sort of spectral entity in a multidimensional nexus where he could see everything but do nothing ("Ruler of the Universe", he says). The only times at which he CAN do anything are when a dimensional portal is opened- hence his attempts to force the use of the Eye of God in Cretaria.

Now, Qawoor is the one who links all of this together. She is a direct descendant of Arjah. Hence, not only does she resemble a younger version of his daughter, she also carries the marker which makes all of Arjah's weapons obey her- which is why bits of old weaponry- the sealing circuit, Iffy's staff and the dimensional transporter (presumably made from spare parts from the Eye of God) go a bit mental when she's near them.

I may have missed something out from this explanation- it's complicated, but it seems to tie evrything up nicely. I realsie that this is only one interpretation, but it just goes to show that even a character as contrived, confused and underdeveloped as Arjah can be forced to make sense.

Now, to get started on That Farmer Guy That Rune Venus Likes...


Kathy Guinea
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« Reply #29 on: April 07, 2003, 01:13:25 pm »

Now, to get started on That Farmer Guy That Rune Venus Likes...

heh... Shibel (sp?)

"Ahh! I'm done with the day's work!"

Little Rock lights the way... or maybe he's just leading us to a firey death. Meh, either way...

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