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Author Topic: The Adventure Begins  (Read 39535 times)
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Demon God(ess)
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Commander of the UETF, Maj. Gen. Fujisawa!

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« Reply #165 on: October 22, 2003, 12:17:35 pm »

I opened the door, likely there was the 3 of them. Kane was standing, Lana was on the floor, and Yumi was on the bed. I stared for a moment...

"This is about the bed isn't it? Oh well it doesn't matter. Hey listen I'm hungry. There's a Mess Hall 2 decks below this one. They usually have something good to eat."

*OOC: I know it's short but I dont' wanna godmod.

Demon God(ess)
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« Reply #166 on: October 22, 2003, 01:47:01 pm »

Lan looked up at Kane once more. "This? Oh, it's just a pack of cards I scrounged off some rich guy in the palace a while back. I was trying to teach Yumi how to play Go Fish, but she didn't quite get the hang of it."

Lan grinned. Yumi had been pretty good company until she had attacked her.

Miles opened the door.

"Yes, it is about the bed." Lan shrugged. She turned to Yumi. "Listen you, you are sleeping on the bed, I am sleeping on the floor and Kane, you're sleeping on the bed with Yumi. No dirty talk, no arguing, just do as you're told!" She said, firmly.

You said that last time when the poor martyr ended up at the infirmary because the gates of heaven refused to open. -- Vallier
« Reply #167 on: October 22, 2003, 03:37:01 pm »

"But I.......", Kane wanted to contradict, but then he saw the expressions in Lans and Yumis face. He saw Lan glaring at him a little angry and Yumi looking at him somewhat sad and disappointed. So he just sighed and noded acquiescently.

"So, after this is cleared, let's go eat something!", Kane turned to Miles and made an inviting geture towards the door. "Lead the way my friend!"

Yumi jumped of the bed and grasped Kanes arm smiling. "Kiiiiiiiiiih! We gonna have dinner together! Let's go!", she said giggling girlishly and huddled against him.

Kane stared at her wondering. What's gotten into her??, he thought to himself. She's scaring me! She has never been like this before! I think I should ask Lan about it. I'm sure she knows more about such stuff!
They went out of the room. As he passed Miles Kane looked at him appealing so that Yumi couldn't see it.

His look said everything! Help me! I can't overcome the situation!


*outside the ship*


The firedragon wiped some of the soldiers off their feet. They were screaming in pain and horror.

"RAAAAH! YOU'LL SUFFER! SUFFER FOR ALL THE PEOPLE YOU'VE KILLED!", Calya yelled. Tears were pouring from her eyes.

She ran towards one of the stunned soldiers and ramed her fist deeply into his stomach so that she lifted him a few inches. "YOU BASTARDS! DIEEEEE!"

Mia and Afura stared at the scene shocked. "CALYA! STOP IT!", they yelled at the same time.

"It isn't said that Kane and the others are dead! CALM DOWN AND STOP IT BEFORE I HAVE TO STOP YOU!!!", Mia tried to calm her.

But Calya didn't listen.........
« Last Edit: October 22, 2003, 03:38:23 pm by executor82 » Logged
« Reply #168 on: October 22, 2003, 05:25:19 pm »


Now, it was totally official: Nolan had officially lost touch with reality.
First, he had magically been brought to this strange world. Then, he had met both a former grand pristess AND a princess. THEN, he met a current priestess that could not only fly, but manipulate wind, and NOW here he was watching some nutcase of a female running around the scene, beating the living snot out of the soldiers that he and Afura had only just come in contact with.

"YOU BASTARDS! DIEEEEE!" she yelled.

Then, the girl used an attack that seemed to be themes off of fire. Nolan gawked as the flame took the shape of a dragon as it struck some of the soldiers, tossing them like toys.
"Christ, what a f--ckin pyro!" stammered Nolan as the girl continued to beat and bash her way throuh the scene.

"It isn't said that Kane and the others are dead! CALM DOWN AND STOP IT BEFORE I HAVE TO STOP YOU!!!" yelled Mia to the newly arrived young lady, apparently in an attempt to calm her. She seemed to know who this person was, and so did Afura as well.

They continued to yell and hollar, but Nolan could tell this was having zilch of an effect. He then saw that Mia looked ready to jump in and end it. Then Nolan made a split-second decision.

Throwing caution to the wind, Nolan ran into the fray directly towards the psycho lady.
"No Nolan!!" yelled Afura as she looked on in horror. Mia shared her look as well.
Nolan dodged past those men who had fallen and those who were fleeing for their lives. His eyes were fixed on the girl ahead of him. As he reached close, Nolan flung himself towards her.
As the girl turned to attack another soldier, she barely caught a glimpse of Nolan before he was on top of her.
With all his strength, Nolan grabbed hold of the girl in a bearhug and tackled her to the ground, the two of them landing with a thud on the grass.
Both Afura and Mia looked on in shock, as did many of the soldiers.

Regaining his composure, Nolan held as tightly as he could to her. He could feel her beginning to resist.
"Wh-What the hell do you think you're DOING!?" she stammered, squirming around.
"I havn't a clue what you're problem is lady, but I think this is for your own good!" yelled Nolan.
The girl's anger grew as she gathered her strength. At first it seemed to Nolan that she was admitting defeat and giving up. At first... but then Nolan began to feel himself getting hotter. And hotter..

To his shock, the girl began to emmit a strange aura around both of them, followed by what appeared to be a reddish hue. While Nolan was clueless to what was happening, the two women watching them knew what this was all too well.

Mia began to ran towards them "Dear gods, Let go of her!" she yelled. Afura followed.

Nolan let out a faint cry as he felt pain spread throughout his body. It was almost as if his skin was.. being burned?..
The surprise was not over either, as the girl began to lift off the ground, dragging Nolan with him. "What the f--k!?" he yelled. He had had enough. He finally released the girl, falling onto his back on the ground below. To this, the girl smirked.
"Prepare to feel my wrath, FOOL!" she yelled as she closed her eyes and began to concentrate. Then, without so much as a warning, she let loose a blast of flame directly downward at Nolan's sprawled out body...

(end of post)


(OOC: Somebody help me!  ^^; -_- XO )
« Last Edit: October 22, 2003, 05:33:36 pm by theravenisdead » Logged
Forum Moderator
Demon God(ess)
Posts: 156

Commander of the UETF, Maj. Gen. Fujisawa!

AOL Instant Messenger - Fujisawa4654
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« Reply #169 on: October 22, 2003, 06:06:38 pm »

"Right this way Kane." I said, he walked out, then jsut to amke sure ther were no followers, I used my floot and slammed the door shut, and punched out the opening mechanism on the door, rendering it useless.

"I think you didn't want any followers right?" I aksed, then started walking to the elevator and went to the Mess Hall.

I showed Kane over to one of the terminals to.. get food. "Now then," I pointed at the screen. "If you speak the same language as I do, you should be able to read this. Pick what you want, we dont' have everything, mostly basic stuff."

"Captain! Captain!" THe radio I had takenf rom my brother was still with me. "There's a hostile in the area. She's taking everyone out! It's insane, she's on fire, literally, and she's using it against us!." The transmission stopped from there. "This is Miles, I'm on my way"


In no time I got on my ATV and strolled on out as fast as I can. Once again, I got to the area in... no time.
There was one girl, up in the sky, she was on fire like the soldier said. It was astonishing. Was it magic? Was there magic in this world?

I stopped those questiones and handled my rifle that I had gotten on the first day I landed here. I switched to stun rounds and fired a shot. It missed.

The blue projectile had passed her right next to her face. From a distance she looked as if she was scared by that. I paused too, hoping she wouldn't notice me but instead she just stood there floating... FInally I just got to the thought of;
I guess stun rounds work this way as well.
And I fired another shot. It missed again.

This time she knew where it came from, and headed straight for me. "Oh ****, oh ****, OH ****!" I had sworn like mad, she was coming at me very fast, and panicking I fired 3 shots at her, THANKFULLY only one hit, if another had hit she would have surely died.

She then fell to the ground, unconcious.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2003, 06:14:59 pm by fujisawa4654 » Logged

« Reply #170 on: October 22, 2003, 06:59:19 pm »

A soft, almost surreal silence shrowded the scene as the great priestess of fire, Calya-Calya, fell to the ground and lay there, mere feet from the wounded and burned Nolan.

The first to jump into action was the other resident priestess.

"CALYA!" yelled Mia as she dashed frantically to her side.
Afura ran to Nolan's side to inspect the damage. His clothes were badly burned, and numerous burns ranging to second degree were scattered across his arms and neck. His now cinged pants and shirt had inadvertantly saved his other extremities. Nolan was unconcious, but given all he had just gone through, was in decent shape.

"Wake up Calya-san!" Mia was on the verge of hysterics as she raised Calya's head and began checking her for injuries. At first she didnt appear to be physically wounded. At first. Then Mia noticed a small hole on the shoulder. It was as if something had pierced her skin.

"Afura! She needs healers!" Mia stammered to Afura.
"So does young Nolan, Mia." she replied in haste.

Both of them were too preoccupied to notice a man carrying some sort of firearm, the one who had wounded Calya in the first place, approaching them...

(end of post)
« Reply #171 on: October 22, 2003, 07:41:54 pm »

When Kane heared that strange device speaking to Miles about some girl on fire taking out everyone he shrugged. "Calya? Is he talking of CALYA!? Oh shit! I have to do something!!"

He dashed after Miles, trying to keep up with him to find the way out of the ship. Chasing Miles through the corridors Kane had some trouble to follow him, while he had to dodge passing people and didn't know where to go. Then he bumped into a man wearing a white coat, carrying some strange device in his hands. Both fell to the floor. "Hey damnit! Watch were you goin' man! This is a sensitive medical device! If you damaged it you......", the man yelled. Kane got up immediately, stammered an excuse and tried to keep up with Miles again.......but he lost him. So he wandered around, swearing quietly and it took him some time to ask his way through the ship to the exit. He arrived at some kind of loading bay where a lot of weird vehicles stood around. The gate was opened and so he got out. He looked around and decided to follow the trail of tires until he reached the place where the a lot of people where standing around. There were two vehicles, one of those that stood in the loading bay and another white vehicle. From the distance he could recognize Miles, Afura, Mia....and CALYA! She was lying on the floor.

"Oh my! What happened?", Kane asked himself while he ran towards them looking around. He saw people lying around whimpering in pain, burned badly. Then he reached Miles and the others. He directly hurried to Mia and Calya.

Demon God(ess)
Posts: 1000

What it says.

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« Reply #172 on: October 23, 2003, 12:24:14 pm »

Lan smiled happily. She still had her old tricks.

She looked at the door. Miles had just slammed it shut.

"WAIT FOR ME!" She screamed, throwing open the door again.

"Hey! What's going on!" Lan turn to Yumi, "Yumi? Where's Kane going?!" Yumi was ignoring her, she was too busy trying to work out which corrider Kane and ran down. "WHY WON'T ANYBODY LISTEN TOO ME!!!"

There was a loud bang from the area of room 303, and a loud scream.

You said that last time when the poor martyr ended up at the infirmary because the gates of heaven refused to open. -- Vallier
Forum Moderator
Demon God(ess)
Posts: 156

Commander of the UETF, Maj. Gen. Fujisawa!

AOL Instant Messenger - Fujisawa4654
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« Reply #173 on: October 24, 2003, 06:10:41 pm »

"This is your sister? She doesn't look anything like you!" I said, I looked at the body again, anything that attacked me I would like to have seen killed.

"This girl attacked my soldiers as well as me, I had no other choice but to shoot her down.. Non-lethally of course."

I secretly changed the magazine from stun rounds to lethal ammo, I could tell she wouldn't be happy whenever she woke up, but if she did attack again I will kill her.


« Reply #174 on: October 24, 2003, 11:22:41 pm »

Kane looked at Calya lying there on the ground. He kneeled down and picked her up, carrying her on his hands now. She seemed to be sleeping deeply. And except of the bandages (he knew where they came from) and the small wound at her shoulder, she seemed not to be seriously injured. Then he looked Miles straight in the face. "Will she be ok?" When he saw the expression in Miles face he calmed down.

So did Mia.

Mia looked at Kane. "Kane. Long time no see!", she eyed him from head to toe. "Nice outfit you have there. Is this your new summer look?"

Kane stared at Mia. "What?"

"I mean this!", she pointed at him standing in his shirt and shorts in front of her.

"Oh!....Erm....no this clothes I got from Miles here, while my own clothes got torn up. Anyway, nice to see you again Mia!", then he turned to Miles again. "I'm sorry about what happened Miles, but I think my sister had a proper reason to do this." He knew, what he said was wrong. Calya would use any reason to pick up a fight. She was like that and he was sure that she hasn't changed a bit eversince.

"She thought you, the doctor and Yumi were dead. That's why she ticked off like that",Mia said.

Kane stared at his sister in his arms. So there was a reason after all. Sis.....you tried to avenge our deaths....I never knew.......thanks. He looked at Mia again. "Well, except of Dr. Jabanijan we are all alive and kicking."

"Poor doctor. I really liked him. But I'm glad to hear that Yumi is save! What a relief!.......... By the way, who is your friend here?", Mia replied. She looked at Miles.
Forum Moderator
Demon God(ess)
Posts: 156

Commander of the UETF, Maj. Gen. Fujisawa!

AOL Instant Messenger - Fujisawa4654
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« Reply #175 on: October 25, 2003, 01:59:03 am »

"Oh me? Uhh, Miles! You can tell because me and Kane are wearing the same outfit..."

I took a deep breath and looked at Calya once again.

"Y'know, back at the ship, they're gonna find this inexcusable and something's gonna happen. I hate protocols at times, but... She's best not taken to the ship.

I looked back at the soldiers, they were returning back to the ship, some of them had charred skin... This really would have been bad for Calya if she came onboard.

"Listen, Calya can't come onto the ship, she's best treated someplace else, possibly out of this city... If there is a place."

I looked all around, trying to identify the city boundaries.

I turned around, and helt something heavy in my pocket. I remember it was a wake-up stim.
I gave it to Kane and said
"Use this, she'll be awake in no time, I just hope she doesn't incinerate me."

« Reply #176 on: October 27, 2003, 03:57:06 pm »

"Thank you!", Kane said smiling at Miles. He used the wake up stim on Calya and waited patiently. "Don't worry, this time I'm here to stop her. You may blame me if something happens again!"

After some time Calya began to move a little in Kanes arms. She moaned quietly and opened her eyes. She blinked a fev times, then she just stared at Kane.

"Nice to have you back, sis", Kane grined.

".....K....Kane. You're alive! You're ALIVE!", Calya suddenly hugged him.

Kane looked at Miles. "Erm....tell me, do you think I have that effect to women or what?? Will this ever stop?"

Calya jumped off Kanes arms, but almost fell to her knees. Her legs where shivering like hell. "What the...?"

Kane propped her up so that she wouldn't fall again. He took her arm and laid it over his shoulder and slung his right arm around her waist.

Calya looked at him thankfully, then she glared at Miles. "What have you done to me!?", she yelled at him.

Mia looked from one to the other, waiting how it would go on now, but always ready to step in between them if something was about to happen.
« Reply #177 on: October 27, 2003, 05:25:08 pm »

Allan was on the Balcony of the Palace Ruins. His breaths followed the wind as he looked down onto what used to be his Home City.

"... I came back home expecting to live normally again but now everyone is dead, the city's in ruins and I can't do a thing about it... And to add to it, I'm talking to myself."

He stared at his bracelet as he suddenly noticed Cayla moving at high speed towards where the clinic would be. Allan jumped off the Balcony onto the other parts of the Palace's front until he reached the bottom safely and ran quickly after her but wasn't fast enough. And climbing through ruins didn't seem to help either.

Once Allan had caught up, he could see a giant Ship in front of him and there was Kane and the others around Cayla's just awakened body.

"... *sweatdrop* Did I interupt in something?"


I was away for quite a while and tried to catch up on everybody's stories (thanks to Shayla'sRaven who summed up the story for me earlier).  I breifly read through everything. If I messed up on anything, tell me so I can change it.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2003, 05:39:31 pm by panicpaladin » Logged
« Reply #178 on: October 27, 2003, 06:09:31 pm »

As everyone gathered round Calya, Mia noticed that Nolan had just woken up himself. He slowly sat up, rubbing his arms gently.

"ugh...." he moaned. "alright, who ordered the char-broiled Nolan?"

Both Mia and Afura turned around. "Nolan!" stammered Mia as she lowered to her knees and helped him sit up properly. "Are you okay?" she asked with concern in her voice.
"I'll hafta get back to you on that one..." said Nolan in jest as he gathered all his strength and stumbled, slowly, to a standing position. With the help of Mia of course. "ARG! Watch the burns!" he said through clenched teeth.

He then noticed the 'pyro girl' laying on the ground to his left, being held by a man that looked to be almost related. If anything his equally red hair was a dead giveaway.
Nolan noticed a small gash on the girl's shoulder. Looked eerily similar to a bullet hole, he thought.
"Is she okay?" he asked.
"She seems to be incapacitated, but okay" replied Afura tentatively.
Nolan took his time as he slowly got on his knees beside the girl. "I ah.. apologize for the tackle." He shrugged "Seemed like a good idea at the time though.."

Calya looked to Nolan with a heavy frown on her face. She obviously didnt approve. "You're just lucky you didnt end up as an extra crispy entray..."
Nolan laughed nervously as he continued "Yeah well... heh, 'Someone' needed to get yer attention." He smiled.
To this, Calya looked down at the ground, her cheeks flushing slightly. She was pretty embarressed over the whole thing
Nolan rose to his feet, with the help of Mia and Afura, and faced Miles. "So... I don't think we've been introduced as of-Hey.. wait a sec..." Nolan's eyes widened "You're the guy that impaled himself on my windshield, arent you?!" he stammered.

Miles seem to widen his eyes at Nolan's words. Afura soon realized what he was refering to as well. Meanwhile Mia looked very confused.
"Wind Shield?" asked Calya curiously, looking towards them. "Mia, since when have you started training males in the art of wind?!"
Mia huffed indignantly "I have Never done 'anything' of the sort, sister!" she replied.
With a sigh, Afura stepped in "Its not what you two think..."

(end of post)
« Last Edit: October 27, 2003, 06:45:49 pm by theravenisdead » Logged
Forum Moderator
Demon God(ess)
Posts: 156

Commander of the UETF, Maj. Gen. Fujisawa!

AOL Instant Messenger - Fujisawa4654
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« Reply #179 on: October 27, 2003, 07:13:42 pm »

"Ok ok, Calya, first off, I gave Kane a wakeup stim. I gave it to him so you know at least what's going on, unfortunately you haven't fully regained your strength..." I paused for a second, just thinking, then I remember Nolan's query.

"I remember crashing onto something... Something sharp that punctured my stomach. You drive a klunker don't you? I could tell by the way how the engine died out." I said sheepishly. I directed my attention to Calya once again.

"Calya, it's best if you lay low. Don't come anywhere near the ship or the soldiers. They are likely to attack you. I don't want those soldiers hurt," I looked back, thinking the soldiers were there, but they had left. "Or you hurt, but I doubt that's gonna happen."

There was still one mroe thing on my mind...

"Calya... One last thing. The clinic. Everyone but Dr. Jabanijan is alive. Kane, Yumi, Lana... I don't think you've met Lana? I'm not sure.. The way how he died was," I took a good look into Calya's eyes, I could easily see sadness and depression. I cuoldn't help feel remorse that I made a girl sad... "It's best I not get into details." I said, I probably should have kept my mouth shut, the more I spoke the more depressed she got.

Untill she decided to attack me. She spring out an arm and grabbed onto my neck, attempting to choke me, but she was still too weak. Her arm and her grip was trembling fiercely. Untill she finally gave up. She let loose her grip, her arm flopped back down, and she started crying. Something told me she was a warrior, not a crybaby. She could fight well, she shouldn't be like this... I... She...

At that moment I became aggravated and slapped her across the face, my slap, however, sounded more like a punch than a popping noise. I guess women do it better.

At that moment everyone except Calya was looking at me angrily. I ignored them and stared into Calya's eyes with an unfriendly expression. "What are you doing! I thought you were strong! I know you are! You fried half of a platoon!" At that point, Calya hung her head low. She was silently crying, she only made faint noises as if she was holding her hexpresisons in. "STOP YELLING AT HER!" Mia shouted at me, but I blew her off and still looked at Calya... But I just couldn't stand this anymore.

"I've interfered enough," I said. "I'd suggest, if you can, take Calya into room 303. Noone is allowed in another's cabin. If you need any help.. Wait for me, I'll be back." After that I took off on my ATV, headng straight for the woods, I flew off of a jump and landed halfway into a ditch and I was then out of the other's sight.

*OOC: I wont' post for the next few posts ebcause all i'm doing is takign a stroll in the woods. Just ta let you know. (i'm gonna pop up at the worst time possible :)
« Last Edit: October 27, 2003, 08:58:16 pm by fujisawa4654 » Logged

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